Areas of Specialization

  • Automobiles, Construction Equipments, Heavy Equipments, Agro Machinery Industry.
  • Renewable Energy, Rooftop Solar Solutions Sector.
  • Oilfields, Engineering, Industrial, Agrochemicals, Printing Products.
  • Construction, Refinery, Infrastructure, Power and Engineering Sector Projects.
  • BFSI, Technology, Telecom, Hospitality, Interior Products, FMCG and Other Service Sectors  
  • Educational Institutes/ Academic Institutions and TRADE/Vocational Trainers/Instructors for classroom and OJT(On the job training)    
  • Global Executive Search and Head Hunting.

We have established executive search services to meet recruitment needs at the top management levels. We identify and source professionals globally and locally to meet the demands of our clients.

Regular sourcing methods can fail at times when looking for talent to fill vacancies at higher levels of management. We develop alternatives by establishing a relationship with senior personnel working in multinational companies, without resorting to advertising. Our headhunting team spots prospective industries and identifies the talent working there. An informal contact is then maintained with these candidates and a database is created with details of all the potential candidates. We interview relevant candidates, conduct group discussions and prepare detailed profiles with our recommendation at the ratio of 1:2.

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